Saturday, November 26, 2005

my meandering muse

" O
Tuts tomb
Doth reveal
Thy mysterious
Castle erected for a
Golden crowned King
Entombedwith goblets of
Elixers wine and enormous
Purple succulence green and dark
Magenta Grapes surrounded by ripe
Cheese Seen now in repose as He reclines..."


(hey, anyone who can use the word succulence in a sentence - let alone a poem... :-))


Blogger Unknown said...

I like this!!

4:27 AM  
Blogger freeepeace said...


12:22 PM  
Blogger Delcano said...

Now Courtenay, succulence is a wonderful poetic word. Excuse me folks while I succulate.

Your kiss is the succulence
which raises my passion
knowing how you do it
in your special fashion.

The succulence you bring
is like a loving stick
cause your kisses light me
like a heater's wick

Ok, ok I'll stop now. Please forgive the intrusion but I was lurcking and just had to jump in and harrass, Courtenay.

If I havent offended you please come visit my poetry place.

2:10 PM  
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9:55 PM  

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